Confession Point

When you must confess!

last night was great. i had sex with 3 different girls at the same time. just us 4



  1. stingy dragon
    1:38 pm on June 3rd, 2006

    #1045: FETCH

  2. swedish robot
    6:27 pm on September 10th, 2007

    #3478: So what? I get together with all of my teenaged daughters every weekend and FUCK the hell out of those incestuous little bitches !!!

  3. silly graduate assistant
    12:56 am on September 11th, 2007

    #3493: I know! I got it ALL on tape! Those girls sure were DISAPPOINTED !!!

  4. automatic ant
    1:52 pm on March 3rd, 2008

    #4284: yeah, KOOL! i know what ya mean. all three of my sisters and i got stinking drunk lass saturday and i nailed them ALL !

  5. poor president
    7:32 pm on April 29th, 2008

    #4548: I fucked two of my mom’s friends one time. One of them called my Mom and told her what I’d been up to. When I got home my Mother made me fuck her three times that night!

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