Confession Point

When you must confess!

I’m sorry, but I am quite possibly the greatest person to ever be born. This is sad, because the majority of humankind is shitsucking little unfucked grown-wussies. I stand alone, in my superiority among mediocrity. You’re all fucking pathetic.



  1. crazy step-grandmother
    10:56 am on December 24th, 2005

    #506: rah rah hum blah.

  2. british mother
    11:09 am on December 24th, 2005

    #516: zooom?

  3. straight hamster
    10:35 pm on December 24th, 2005

    #523: well obviously you are not the greatest person ever born because you cuss and thats a sin!!!

  4. snakekiller
    4:54 am on December 25th, 2005

    #531: People such as yourself are saddest of the greatest pathetic people ever born. Because the majority of you shit sucking little unf….d a-holes all think so.

  5. yoda
    1:13 am on December 26th, 2005

    #539: well its obvious that you hate your more than likely
    pathetic life, :;:: possitivty in this short brudal world my friend.

  6. Gray Fox
    3:06 am on December 28th, 2005

    #558: Clearly you’re not, and you know it. If you "know" you’re so great, why apoligise, you pussy bitch self-obsessed skull-fucker. You can hardly call other people wussies when you sit there APOLOGISING for being great, hypocrite. There you go, you’re a hypocrite, a pussy bitch, and i’m going to go out on a limb and say you have no friends. Hardly superior now, huh asshole!

  7. waiting step-grandmother
    3:07 am on December 28th, 2005

    #559: And I forgot to put self-obsessed in the end there! You’re that too, meaning you just took one more giant leap back from being superior.

  8. american retard
    6:42 pm on February 22nd, 2006

    #771: how r u the greatest person ever borned? you r a piece of shit compare to people who gave their lives for the freedom and your miserable fucking life, you know what why don’t you go kill your self you r a damn waste of air anyway!!

  9. the_great_one
    7:33 am on April 15th, 2009

    Theres one major flaw in your theory because I am actually the greatest person ever born.

  10. fuck the world
    8:38 pm on April 15th, 2009


  11. Harula Pottera
    10:44 pm on July 22nd, 2009

    Excuse you fuck!! Who the fuck you think you are?? You are just a pathetic litle human that tries to make himself feel someone by trying to believe that is actually someone. I bet you lieve in your fantasy world all day and you have confused reality with the perfect litle world you have created for you to fantasize and masturbate all day but guess what no girl likes you and you don’t have magic powers and you can’t fly as you may think right now cause you have obviously confused the real with the fake! Noone likes you and you really make the world a favor and suicide you are a waste of air, food, water( I would’t say energy), clothes and toilet papers!

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