Confession Point

When you must confess!

I love threesomes! I’m a girl who loves to get it on with another hot girl and a guy yummy. I cant get enough but I have trouble telling my friends im Bi.
Thanks for listening



  1. frequent grasshopper
    11:39 am on December 21st, 2005

    #499: everyone is a bit bi if they are your friends they will back you and if they dont they will let their opinions show I wouldnt worry about it

  2. waiting step-grandmother
    3:14 am on December 28th, 2005

    #563: I don’t know about everyone being a bit bi buddy……

  3. outgoing grandfather
    5:34 pm on December 30th, 2005

    #597: Hey! maybe we can fuck sometime!

  4. outgoing grandfather
    5:43 pm on January 1st, 2006

    #608: why don’y you get another girl and then we can fuck all night BITCH

  5. j (a guy)
    4:00 pm on January 6th, 2006

    #618: damn, you rock. I’d love to join you sometime.

  6. kind stepdaughter
    10:15 am on January 12th, 2006

    #623: Don’t worry… I’m a girl and I constantly have fantasies about getting it off with a girl. Usually it makes me cum faster when I think about girls more than guys but I’m definately less picky. Mostly all chicks are hot. Oh and yeah, I wouldn’t tell your friends. I once let it slip that I’d be up for a threesome and they kinda freaked out. They were totally against it but fuck, it turns me on…

  7. special nephew
    7:55 am on March 27th, 2006

    #822: i agree with 623 i too masturbate thinking about girls but am not gay (or at least have not admitted it yet) i love pussy and cock but i cant decide which i love more

  8. responsible monkey
    1:10 pm on July 7th, 2006

    #1169: just do what you want with anyone you want and don’t tell anybody

  9. confident crackhead
    11:48 am on December 12th, 2006

    #1364: name/number?ill return the call ASAP trust me

  10. public printer
    11:45 am on January 18th, 2007

    #1593: can i calll you up thundercunt slut, whorefuck

  11. silly dragon
    5:34 pm on February 25th, 2007

    #2082: Every guy wants to get it on with two girls that are getting it on.

  12. rich step-uncle
    9:01 am on October 20th, 2007


    I love 3-somes too !!!

    ESPECIALLY with my Mother and Grandmother !!!

    I just LOVE having TWO gray-haired cunts to fuck and play with any time I want !!!

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