Confession Point

When you must confess!

Well about 3 years ago while my wife was pregnant I was so horny. I would masterbate but that was not doing the trick. I did not want to cheat on her. I thought well maybe I can just have a guy jerl me off. Sort of a modified masterbation. I found a guy online and we met and he jerked me off. It was ok, but I was really nervous. He asked me to jerk him off to so I did. No big thrill. So I decided for a bit more. I found another guy who said he would suck me off, with nothing needed in return. So I did it. I went to his pace and he did just that. He sucked me until I came and he swallowed. I was nervous but that did feel good. I went back a couple of times and the one time a freind of his was there and he had him suck me off. I went back all together 5 times to be sucked off. Well it has been two years since then and still am horny for being sucked off. I am glad I did this. I had offers from women but that would have lead to intercourse. I did not want that. I myself have never sucked, but can’t say I have never thought about it. Well I need to add that a few months ago I did let a BBW suck on me. She did not make me cum but I jerked off for her. So now I have let 2 men suck me off, a couple guys jerk me off, and a woman suck me and stroke me, and then I jerked off for her. All in the span of around 3 years. I feel bad but I am glad I did not suck a guy or screw the woman or let the woman make me cum.



  1. Maddox
    10:20 pm on February 20th, 2007

    #1898: How charming. I wonder if your pregnant wife who was probably feeling very scared and alone while you were off getting "sucked" would appreciate your adventures. Stupid boy, grow up, you’re a father, ACT LIKE ONE

  2. The blind man
    2:46 am on February 22nd, 2007

    #1916: ignore the comment above. I do have to say I hope you paid attention to your wife that whole time but if she didn’t please you sexually I think you found yourself a good compromise for the time.

    I do have to ask if your wife just dosn’t like sex or something because if you married her you should be able to talk to her about fantasies like that, even try them. Because (i hope) the two of you are good enough friends to do a favor to the other person, such as she gives you a blow-job. You go to some boring opera because it makes her happy. ya get me?

  3. bent beetle
    1:39 pm on February 25th, 2007

    #2079: Ok wow! How scary is it that you think that you were somehow being "faithful" by using a guy to "suck" you. Uck. Could you not just have told your wife what you were feeling and wanting (I agree somewhat with the comment above)?
    Or wait… I bet that was all a part of the thrill, huh? Going behind your wife’s PREGNANT back. How GROSS!

  4. humble grandmother
    8:07 am on March 14th, 2007

    #2402: Well going behind my wife’s back as you say was the intent since I had no intentions of leaving my wife. I just was into the chatting thing to much and well the horniness of chatting with women that wanted to have sex got a bit much. So I thought it was just a modified masterbation if i was just getting off without any feeling to it. Like with a guy scinario. Oh well thank you for the input. To The Blind Man…I certainly have no problem doing things just for my wife. She on the other hand has never done anything for me…(i.e. just a hand job or blow job) to saticfy a sexual urge here and there. I love her very much and was just looking for a way to vent the sexual frustration. Take this piece of advice all, don’t get involved with online chatting…It will lead to a sexual encounter of some sort unless you have some real strong will power.

  5. Just Me
    8:08 am on March 14th, 2007

    #2403: Well going behind my wife’s back as you say was the intent since I had no intentions of leaving my wife. I just was into the chatting thing to much and well the horniness of chatting with women that wanted to have sex got a bit much. So I thought it was just a modified masterbation if i was just getting off without any feeling to it. Like with a guy scinario. Oh well thank you for the input. To The Blind Man…I certainly have no problem doing things just for my wife. She on the other hand has never done anything for me…(i.e. just a hand job or blow job) to saticfy a sexual urge here and there. I love her very much and was just looking for a way to vent the sexual frustration. Take this piece of advice all, don’t get involved with online chatting…It will lead to a sexual encounter of some sort unless you have some real strong will power.

  6. Peter Gunn
    3:15 am on March 8th, 2008

    #4304: Actually I chat to a lot of people all the time online and it’s never led to a sexual encounter…I guess I probably have more self control than you. Then again, so does the average house fly

  7. virgil
    10:50 am on October 16th, 2008

    never do that again … it hurt your self, nomore gay … i want 2 be staright, why do you do gay stuff?

  8. loud baker
    1:27 am on October 20th, 2008

    you’re gay

  9. John Doe
    4:10 am on November 18th, 2008

    Excellent! Just make sure to use proper protection. You should also get a medical checkup before you think about having intercourse with your wife.

  10. NotYourSister
    6:07 pm on May 25th, 2009

    Jerk! Jerk! Jerk! Scumy jerk!

  11. PeaceMan
    5:52 pm on September 11th, 2009

    Understandable bro. People have to do what they have to do to get by. In my opinion, sexual release is important for men, and your options were few: abandon your pregnant wife for sex with other women (I think not); stay with your pregnant wife and screw other chicks on the side (not your cup of tea); or simply stay horny with NO sexual release (unrealistic). Personally, I think you found what worked for you, and quite honestly, it worked for your wife too (she still has a husband who was not willing to screw other women!). Sure, some won’t agree with your choices, but this is YOUR life, not theirs. So live it as best as you can!

  12. valerie solanes
    5:18 am on November 11th, 2009

    are you aware that, unless there are complications specified by a doctor, that it’s perfectly safe to have sex with your wife whilst she is pregnant? all you need to do is be more gentle. there was no need for all of this, you ignorant fool.

  13. yeahyeah2
    6:14 am on November 19th, 2009

    dude, pregnant women are horny all the time . . . what is wrong with you?? but nothing wrong with getting sucked either . . .

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