Confession Point

When you must confess!

I’m depressed……

2 months ago i hired a hooker because i felt lonely. My girlfriend is on another country and we haven’t seen each other for at least 8 months. I didn’t want to get emotionally involved with anyone so i decided to pay a prostitute just to let my inner beast loose.

The day i fucked this slut she felt abnormally attached to me, we exchange numbers and became friends.
One day we talked over the phone and decided to meet to have some drinks and talk. That evening we had sex again and spent the whole night together. Of course without any money involved.

We have been talking periodically over the phone, I know I’m not supposed to fell for a whore, i don’t want to have any feelings for this girl but my fucking brain is giving me a hard time.

The past Saturday we talked and agree to see each other that same night… when i called her she was with a “costumer” and i felt really bad….she told me to call her one hour later… i did but she never picked up the phone or return my calls.

Today is Tuesday and i decided to give her a call to check if she was alright…. she didn’t picked up again….i checked online on her website to see if something was wrong and her pictures were gone and when i tried to book her again they pimp told me that she was out of town. I call her from another cell phone and surprisingly she picked up….i asked her what was wrong….and she told me that her mom was in town and that she is not going to work anymore. I ask her whether i could call her and she say no…i will call u…
She only work as a hooker for less than 3 months…or at least that is what i know.

I got feelings for this girl….i know i can do much better…..i have a lot of female friends that i could fuck anytime i want…..i tried not to get involved with anyone but i ended up so much worse.

I’m not going to call her again, but i know i will take some time to recover from this. My girlfriend is coming next month and i don’t feel the same way about her anymore…..after meeting this girl the chemistry on my brain changed and i cant do anything about it.


A year ago I met this dude who kinda stole me heart away instantly. He was the perfect gentleman now that I see. He opended doors, constanlty complimented me & even asked me to marry him on several occasions. He never made me wait for anything. He said he treated me like he wished his stepdad treated his mom. But the bad gurl in me cheated & he found out. After everything came out I flipped the script. I told him he was wrong for looking in my phone which he paid the bill for. Then he started treating me different. He started making me wait for things & even yelled at me. But he kept sayin I forgive, but I knew he didn’t. A fews weeks went by & I called him & told him how much I missed him. He came over & we spoke for a while & I knew rite then & there he forgave me. 3 days laters my perfect gentleman was tragically killed. His mom really adores me & says that were each other strenghts. She says im kinda her backbone. Do you think she deserves to know the cheating me???
