It was to embarrassing to tell anyone and up to this day the only people that know what happed, are the group of boys and girls that forced me into that horribly embarrassing moment. It happed after school was out. We were hanging out with four girls and three off my friends. I went to the bathroom to take a pee and sudently they all came in and locked the door behind them. My friends were threatening to pants me and the girls were daring them to do it. That was exactly what they wanted to hear and began grabing at my pants. Before I knew it my pants were down by my ankles and held down on the floor. I din’t dare shout for help fearing being embarrassed in front of more people, so I just layed there in my underware and getting and obvius boner pushing against my underpants. I couldn’t belive those four girls were encouraging them to also pull them down so they could see my hardening dick out in the open. Pleading with them din’t work and my underpants were slide down my leggs. I had no other choice but to be desplayed naked with my shirt pulled up to my neck while the girls had a great time looking at my tiff dick. It lasted just enoughf time to check me out good, but to me it seemed like an iternity. I keept being friends with them, but they always had fun making me blush by asking me if I could get naked again for them. At least they din’t spread it all over school.

k well this isnt really a secret but its a really funny story// k well last night me and six of my friends were spending the night at one of their houses.. and well i guess two of my friends decided to lock one of my friends in the bathroom closet..and we didnt know this.. so me and one of my friends went to take a shower..and like our hair was completly soapy and everything.. and she snuck out i guess and went and got one of the other girls..and they came in and turned off the lights on us we were freaking out and we couldnt see anything! so we were like sreaming..and they all were all really quite so we didnt knew it was them..then like one of them was poking at our feet and stuff it was soo scary! and my friend peed on her handd! lol it was hilariouss and nastyy!