Revised version
I laugh at those religious people they are so funny some times.
Warning the following conversations edits came from true religious people
Conversation with Christian:
me: “hey man earth is billions of years old man!”
Christian guy:” no man it’s 6000 years old and it is created in 7 days.”
Me:” but that Larry king guy on CNN is older then that!!”
me:” wow look at these dinosaurs bones man!”
Christian guy guy:” no man the dinosaurs are not real and there are no genetic mutations that caused the evolution because god made us all, oh and if you don’t join us Christians you are going to hell!!! So repent And let god forgive you.”
Me:”what about the fossils from all the previous animals ? You know from millions of years ago?”
Christian guy:”a massive conspiracy…”
Me:” right….”
Conversation with Muslim guy:
Muslim guy:”hey man join us and you get 72 virgins!”
Me:”is that virgin men or girls? Cause I don’t want 72 virgin guys running around in my house.”
Muslim guy:” I don’t know.. I’ll look it up I guess.”
Me:”Mmmm pork….”
Muslim guy:”no man that is bad! You are going to hell!”
Muslim guy:” pigs are a sacred animal they are holy!”
Conversation with Buddhist
The following is fiction
Me:” yeah I need money man got any?”
Buddhist:” here’s my wallet knock yourself out.”
Me:” gee thanks”
So as you can see religious people are either ignorant, dorky or pacifist…