Confession Point

When you must confess!

Every time i close my eyes i fantasise about girls, the thing is i dont want to be a lesbian, because it high school thats a killar move. i’m hoping its a phaze, because the only thing that gets me off is lesbian stuff. im a senior and have no clue wat to do or think.



  1. Me
    1:00 pm on August 12th, 2007

    #3093: Who cares what they think. If you really like other girls, then maybe you should experiment a little, but you don’t have to take my word for it.

  2. ...
    2:58 am on August 13th, 2007

    #3100: i cant help but care tho. i just wish that the world wasnt this prejudice that it wud put me in a position of caring about somehting like this. i hte myself for feeling like i shudnt be myself, even tho i dont know wat myself quite is.

  3. crazy father
    11:39 am on August 13th, 2007

    #3102: I think you should go away for the weekend alone with your Dad.

  4. she
    9:15 pm on August 28th, 2007

    #3140: I’ve been in a relationship for about 3 years with my boyfriend and I love him to death but I always fantasize about being with a female too I wouldn’t mind experimenting

  5. serious schoolboy
    5:01 pm on August 31st, 2007

    #3152: Nothing like a BIG dick to make your doubts go away, eh?

  6. Dildo Mistress
    2:46 pm on September 8th, 2007

    #3333: Or a big DILDO !

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