Hi I am 16 year old girl from Salem Oregon and I have to confess about the worst time of my life. Last summer I fell in love with this boy named Nick F. we did everything together went to the movies held hands went swimming. But things always felt awkward like he was scared or something. Then one day when we were swimming in his pool I went upstairs to go to the bathroom and after that I thought I would leave him a little love note on his computer but when I turned on his computer I saw the most disgusting thing I have ever seen. It was gay porn. I was in shock the boy I loved was gay. So I sat there for a while and finally he came up to find me and he saw me sitting in front of his computer He stood there wrapped in a towel then after a moment I saw the fear in eyes he started to lie I looked away from him and then he sighed and said “Okay I’m gay” so I asked “why are you going out with me?” he replied “to cover it up I am actually in love with a boy from school named Josh S. and his twin Jake S.” he continued to tell his secret fantasy of them. I started to throw up in my mouth. Finally I had had it so I left and on the way out I ripped the towel off of him and saw his tiny penis I smiled and left him in past.


9:55 am on September 7th, 2007
#3305: You know something? It’s not every 16 year old Little Asian Girl living in Salem, Oregon, that can turn a straight teenage boy "gay".
You must have some strange powers that are NOT of this Earth!
1:03 am on March 23rd, 2008
#4353: I’d love to have a girl who wanted to leave me little love notes on my computer *sigh* that guy was so stupid to be gay, he never knew what he was missing.