Back when I was as young as seven years old, my mother had opened a daycare service inside her house. But I’ll never forget the time when a boy, about the same age as me (at the time), was gay. He told me about sucking his dick and he would do it in return. I never knew what I was doing was gay, in fact, I never knew the term “gay” really existed. So for days after he gets dropped off, we would secretly suck each other off when no one was looking. I couldn’t forget how great it felt, I even enjoyed sucking him. One day my mom caught us in the act and I quickly tried to change the subject by acting like he was trying to fight me. She didn’t buy it. That night when he was getting picked up my mom and his mom were having I conversation, probably about what happened. The very next day I never saw him again, except during school. Now I’m kinda wondering if my mom still remembers it, I hope not, I still do and I won’t forget it. My question is, does that make me gay? I like girls now, I’m not at all attracted to guys.


3:43 am on June 29th, 2007
#2906: i dont think it does…….even if so………….it wouldnt hurt to try again. just to see if maybe your straight, like girls, love pussy, but like dick everyonce in a while.
7:01 am on June 29th, 2007
#2908: Yea, I like girls a lot,but a percentage of me likes guys. I’m just trying to stay strait.
12:40 am on March 25th, 2010
no it happened to me to we got chaught and all but im noy gay i love pussy
7:44 am on May 5th, 2010
Hoping for an answer – trussme if you still think about how your MUM seemed DISSAPPOINTED, you are basically trying to stay straight so that you CAN KEEP YOUR MUM HAPPY.
Its psychological … … I think you have to try gay sex again and see if that is really what you want.
Im sorry but your not straight but possibly bisexual .
Its hard for you to accept I know, but you psychologically are trying to keep your mum from being DISSAPPOINTED again.
please dont live your life like this. You will always wonder if your gay this way. If its on your mind then its got to be a problem