Confession Point

When you must confess!

I don’t know if i’m pregnant or not. And I don’t know, if i am, who the father would be.



  1. automatic aunt
    7:49 pm on May 14th, 2007

    #2800: Maybe the father is kinky carpenter

  2. avid reader
    2:33 am on May 17th, 2007

    #2805: HAHAHHAHAHAHAA!!!

  3. dark step-grandfather
    2:26 pm on September 20th, 2007

    #3559: I’m a 15 year old blond and I’m 8 months pregnant. Since they’re the only ones I’ve been having sex with for the last 3 years, I’m pretty sure the father of my child is one of my 4 brothers.

    But I don’t know who the mother of my child is.

  4. acid uncle
    9:33 am on December 14th, 2007

    #4003: Must be ME !!!

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