Everytime I hear japanese I get hard. Also my girlfriend is a japan-nut, christian, a total virgin and i often jerk off while talking to her on the phone without telling her. Am I strange?

Everytime I hear japanese I get hard. Also my girlfriend is a japan-nut, christian, a total virgin and i often jerk off while talking to her on the phone without telling her. Am I strange?
4:40 pm on February 13th, 2007
#1852: Also, I really do love her. We’ve been in a relationship unoffically for 5 years. She finds sex gross and I respect that. She is afraid of the word "boyfriend" and "girlfriend" but still talks to me every night and really does love me. I just can’t find anyother way to vent out my sexual frustrations.
7:10 pm on February 19th, 2007
#1881: I’ve known alot of guys who get into this kind of rut with women, and as hard as it is to hear, I’m afraid it sounds like she’s using you. Women love to be in control and get what they want, they expect guys to give in to their whims because the guys are in love with them. Sure, she says the words "I love you", but does she really show it, or just say it to keep you interested? Seriously, after five years shouldn’t you be getting more devotion from her than an "unofficial" relationship? why do the words boyfriend and girlfriend freak her out so much? probably because she feels by using them with you, she would be tying herself down. She tells you what you want to hear until someone better comes along, basically so you carry on worshipping her and giving her control over you, thus making you a cross between a slave and one of her girl friends (don’t feel bad, billions of guys fall for this trick)
Right now, you have two choices. 1. cut and run, find a girl who’s more in tune with you…or 2. start making yourself more valuable in her eyes. there is a fantastic website you can go to and study this further. I wish you luck, and remember, hold your nerve
http://www.sosuave.com/articles/default.htm <<<go here
7:59 pm on February 24th, 2007
#2051: Women who think that sex is gross, will never be a good sex partner. There are plenty of Jap girls that will sucky fucky long time.