I’m a 40 year old male, and my confession is that I’ve been having the most perverted gay fantasies- really dodgy stuff (mutual scat, licking a guys dirty anus, drinking his piss & cum etc.) I think that it is having an adverse effect on my (straight) relationship, as I seem to be losing interest in my GF sexually. I’ve been blaming tiredness etc for my failings, but this can’t go on forever. I’m far too shy to persue this fantasy though, even though there must be others……..

11:45 pm on October 17th, 2006
#1290: But you liked me to go as deep as I could with you last time, what’s wrong now?
7:34 am on January 24th, 2007
#1674: that’s messed up,
i feel nauseous.
7:32 pm on February 19th, 2007
#1884: you lost me at "dirty anus"…..many "ewwws" and a "shudder" to ya dude
3:49 am on August 14th, 2008
#5087: I have similar thoughts too, but so far I only have sniffed my pissed on and shit stained jockeys
12:01 am on January 15th, 2011
i cant think of enething to say
but fuck you × 50000∞ go to
hell ψψψψψψψψψψψ