Me and my girlfriend are deeply in love. I want to have a baby but she doesn’t. The other day we were having sex and I cut a small hole in the condem I hope she gets pregnant. Do you think she’ll get mad?

Me and my girlfriend are deeply in love. I want to have a baby but she doesn’t. The other day we were having sex and I cut a small hole in the condem I hope she gets pregnant. Do you think she’ll get mad?
8:42 am on April 26th, 2006
#919: yes..i think that is so wrong what u did…if ur gf is not ready to have a baby then u should respect that….how would u feel if u were in here place now?
2:21 am on April 27th, 2006
#920: I think you did the wrong thing, you should have considered if your girlfriend was ready to be a mom, it’s no joke. You have to feed your baby, send it to school, change it’s diapers, bathe it, teach it to do things. you’ll spend so much money. But if she gets pregnant, welcome it. a baby is always a blessing, babies are the cutest things in the world, it must be an amazing feeling to have someone depend on you, someone to call you "daddy" be prepared for the consequences of your actions.
4:58 pm on April 28th, 2006
#924: You are exactly the kind of person who should never have kids. I hope you’re sterile!
6:21 pm on April 28th, 2006
#926: Honestly, I have no idea what kind of father you’d be if you really did something like that. You have not one gram of consideration for you’re gf or maybe the mother of the child. It’s not a light subject to just have a child. You have to be really a moron or raised with no common sense or manners or even respect for others. What if your gf has complications during the child birth if it happens and she dies or because seriously injured. It would be one thing if if she’d be willing to start a family providing theres marriage. But you thought nothing of the consequences of your actions. You up and decided you wanted a kid because you’re an idiot and how you went about it is the dubest way I have ever heard. You cut a small hole at the end of the condom just like a a vindictive female would. You’re a very low individual to have done such a thing to someone. I hope her parents unload a clip into your balls before putting one in your head.
8:28 pm on April 28th, 2006
#927: this Bastard can’t even spell condom right… he should not have kids at all. well now we said all the crap let’s have a big orgy at my place bring plenty of condoms people!!!
6:29 pm on May 30th, 2006
10:55 pm on November 7th, 2006
#1298: I think she’d be mad if you told her. Therefore, don’t tell her! If she ends up pregnant, just work really hard on being a good partner and father. I don’t see why everyone is so pissed off at you. Tons of females pull this shit every day.
7:51 pm on November 20th, 2006
#1308: You’re sick u know that… and yes it is spell condoms not condem… stupid..
6:25 am on January 24th, 2007
#1667: i hope you die
8:39 pm on February 23rd, 2007
#2009: Why would you want a kid, fool ? I hope she gets a lot of child support money from you for the next 18 years.
3:35 pm on March 2nd, 2007
#2243: you’re a moron. you belong in a home. i hope your gf finds this page and decides to break up with you.
10:48 pm on January 5th, 2008
#4083: Do you understand the pain she’s going to go through? I hope she crushes your hand during delivery!
5:36 am on November 7th, 2008
My Gawd Your a Fuckin’ Idiot! do you realize that getting her knocked up means you won’t be able to fuck other woman anymore?!… I don’t know about you but its “usually” woman who want the baby, not the guy?!
4:34 am on November 28th, 2008
Deeply in love my ass.
Love doesn’t pull this type of shit.
1:16 am on May 1st, 2009
go for it knock the bitch up
9:15 pm on August 26th, 2009
ur a fuck face…. i meen who gonna carry the baby for 9months and feed it
5:59 pm on March 15th, 2011
You’re a stupid dick for that.She’s the one who’s gonna birth the child,you need to learn some respect.