Im worried about my boyfriend.
We have been together for a year on the 17th of this month and im starting to think he has same sex tendencies… this makes me sick.
I wouldnt of cared if he was gay in the first place cos i have a heap of gay friends but to be secretly curious about being gay whilst with me i happen to care about!
Im not sure how to approach him bout this he wouldnt give me an honest answer, (i have caught him out lying before) he always makes me feel like crap- always going on bout how hot so and so is(im sure thats a cover for his gayness) and never pays mention to me the girl he is meant to love…
Im going mad, but babe u no who u are, so if u happen to read this,
5:57 am on February 3rd, 2006
#734: My advice to you is to become bi. So call one of your girlfriends, and then call me ;D
7:55 am on February 3rd, 2006
#737: Dump the fag and fuck a real man.
9:24 am on February 3rd, 2006
#739: "#737" is right, you should meet me.
3:56 am on February 5th, 2006
#744: Lol really? One of my good friend’s boyfriend is bi. He actually came out just recently and we’d been trying to tell her for months but she knew anyway. She’s still in denial. I’ve never really spoken to her about it but I bet she was upset when she finally knew for sure. Must have broke her heart. Maybe our gay friend influenced him? xD
9:43 am on April 10th, 2007
#2695: You should talk him into a threesome with you and another guy and see if he goes straight for the guys’ cock. Then you will know for sure.
3:01 pm on May 21st, 2007
#2815: You know, just because you caught him lying before, doesn’t mean anything. If everyone told the truth, everyone would hate eachother. Do I look fat in this dress? OF Course honey, why ask if you know the answer. See what I mean.