Back when we were in high school….the crowds would gaither in the halls and would cause alot of congestion. My friends and I would grab the girls on the ass while we were in the croud. The girls would have no idea who it was. That was good sport…..those were the days.

9:37 am on January 3rd, 2006
#612: I did that too, the funny part is I did it in youth group…..
3:29 pm on February 21st, 2006
#764: I did that too but I would blame it on other people
7:35 am on May 13th, 2006
#960: well back in year 2 we used to stick our heads up the girls’ dresses. they used to act like they didnt know. it was cool until one day i copped a big whiff of shit, i dont think she was yet fully toilet trained!
11:31 am on December 12th, 2006
#1351: i love that its anawesome activity