Confession Point

When you must confess!

jesus is my savior and my lord; therefore i have eternal life thru him.



  1. likable prick
    10:59 pm on December 28th, 2005

    #579: say that when you’re dead

  2. Atheist
    6:20 pm on December 31st, 2005

    #599: good thing i’m atheist because if they let people like you go to heaven, i’d rather go to hell!

  3. necessary pervert
    3:17 am on January 16th, 2006

    #641: why is that a confession ? you too ashamed to publically declare it ?

  4. american retard
    6:27 pm on February 22nd, 2006

    #768: religious people with their religions….. so sad.. I think religions are just crap people make up to obtain power for themselves. right?

  5. mexican classmate
    7:37 am on May 13th, 2006

    #961: ia gree #641

  6. unsuccessful actor
    10:57 pm on June 29th, 2007

    #2912: yeah try sayin dat after i shoot u

  7. van
    1:50 pm on August 27th, 2007

    #3135: jesus sucks

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