Confession Point

When you must confess!

I saw the episode on Jackass (Mtv) where the guy is dressed up as the devil and is holding a sign that says Keep GOD out of California. then a guy started beating him up. Those effing silly bible thumpers make me laugh. I have to confess, I will beat one of there asses next time those f-U-C-Ks try to push GOD down my throat. PS> bible thumpers, I’ve infultrated your space, I’m a teached at a catholic high school Yesss!!!



  1. last hamster
    6:44 pm on December 18th, 2005

    #478: I luv jackass

  2. last hamster
    6:44 pm on December 18th, 2005

    #479: I love the devil

  3. straight hamster
    10:49 pm on December 24th, 2005

    #530: you are a fagot and are not going to go to heaven with god and will be in hell forever and that NEVER ends I hope you have fun you ASS!!!

  4. waiting step-grandmother
    3:21 am on December 28th, 2005

    #568: Clearly you’re not a "teached" of english.

  5. dreDREb13
    1:33 am on July 13th, 2007

    #2967: The Bible is silly!

  6. like snowman
    12:35 am on August 15th, 2009

    I tried reading the Bible, but The Hobbit was sooooo much more interesting. Though The Hobbit did lack all the awesome magic and incest..

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