Confession Point

When you must confess!

there is something about brussels sprouts i really enjoy……
not the flavor i am sure…i think is that they make a magnificient
butplug….oh but…then the flavor is good



  1. waiting step-grandmother
    5:53 pm on December 8th, 2005

    Seriously just bang your head into a wall until you pass out.

  2. political cockroach
    8:25 am on December 11th, 2005

    #362: Sounds just like… Whatever….(the wall fuc..r). He talked about how much he liked the taste of brussel sprouts too!

  3. male horse
    7:41 pm on December 11th, 2005

    #388: Thats hot. try it in your vagina! if you dont have one, try nutting on hit then eating it while fingering your ass.

  4. outgoing grandfather
    5:56 pm on December 30th, 2005

    #598: you can use my dick instead of brussel sprouts

  5. mexican classmate
    6:08 pm on May 13th, 2006

    #963: yaaaaaaaah! brussels sprouts! i ilke the vitamins!

  6. public printer
    11:22 am on January 17th, 2007

    #1567: you dick

  7. Anthea50
    7:25 pm on March 8th, 2007

    #2352: Do you call yourself a vaginarian?!

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