Confession Point

When you must confess!

While my wife was sleeping off too much to drink, I called room service for some coffee, knowing the lecherous old mn who run the small hotel would bring it. I told him to come in if there was no answer to his knock as I would be in the bathroom. I pulled back the covers from the bed, comletely exposing my wife. I spread her legs a little, so that her pussy was visble. I then went into the bathroom and starting running the shower. I heard the knock on the door and the manager enter. He must have been in the room 5 minutes before he left.
At breakfst the next morning he asked me if I enjoyed the coffee, and to call him anytime I wanted room service



  1. confident crackhead
    11:41 am on December 12th, 2006

    #1357: whatsyourpoint

  2. da'Man
    1:09 am on December 26th, 2006

    #1477: Tell her what you did, I bet she’ll be turned on!

  3. private patient
    6:18 am on January 24th, 2007

    #1663: i hope you die

  4. strange monkey
    9:25 am on January 4th, 2009

    I hoped he fucked the arse off her

  5. love to see her
    12:43 pm on January 4th, 2009

    I hope he fucked the arse off her

  6. TrickyDicky
    6:40 pm on November 7th, 2010

    I’ve done similar. Very sext

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