I work in a morgue and I have sex with dead woman all the time. I can’t seem to stop. I have tried and dead guy once by flipping him over and lubing him but I didn’t like it as much. But the women I am addicted to, having a tight ice cold pussy wrapped around my dick is indescribable,
1:20 pm on April 3rd, 2006
#853: What a fucking lie
7:37 pm on April 3rd, 2006
#854: yeah no shit! even thinking of it is sick. remind me not to die.
9:05 am on April 5th, 2006
#856: asshole u r a sick SOB who cant get a living woman to fuck….
12:35 am on April 6th, 2006
#860: Give him a break guys. it might be fun, you never know 😉
6:05 pm on April 22nd, 2006
#880: Damn I’ve heard of it. That is sick! Get a life or get fired one or the other. I hope you get fired and your dick falls off!
4:45 pm on April 25th, 2006
#913: can’t you find a real fucking woman. i guess you are the one doing all the work seeing that the woman is lifeless. how can you enjoy a dead sex with no styleds or positions? oops! i forget she is dead.
2:32 am on April 27th, 2006
#922: i’ve got three words for you: THAT’S JUST WRONG!
have you no respect?!
11:00 am on May 6th, 2006
#942: Ur a big liar
8:40 pm on June 3rd, 2006
#1046: fetch!
1:46 pm on August 19th, 2006
#1234: you are sick you have to see adoctor this case is well known our comment here!
8:08 pm on January 19th, 2007
#1613: She is a real woman, just dead, that’s all.
7:55 pm on February 22nd, 2007
#1948: Maybe you could warm her up with a curling iron or something.
8:49 pm on February 23rd, 2007
#2010: duke that is just wrong to do a dead guy
10:25 am on March 5th, 2007
#2286: I think it sexy to think about it
5:52 am on March 16th, 2007
#2423: It’s called necrophilia, people, and its a sin in every religion I know
1:03 pm on June 15th, 2007
#2895: Pervert
12:34 pm on August 12th, 2007
(Just like me and my Mum!)
1:00 pm on November 8th, 2008
That’s called necrophilia — a person who has sex with dead people. It’s sad to say, many people find this nice. It’s disgusting. How do yu feel about decaying fleshing. Ewwww!
5:41 pm on January 31st, 2009
i have to say that is some fk’d up sht …..
i wonder…can you get an std from a dead person…..
maybe your next victim will be there from aids!
11:30 am on February 1st, 2009
let me tell you something: you’re human
humans are stupid it’s in their nature
it’s up to you if you want to be stupider than the most people
how would you feel if you died and someone fucked you?
11:20 pm on March 1st, 2009
That’s hot… well, you know what i mean.
6:26 am on October 17th, 2009
gets me hard thinking about it.
12:22 pm on October 21st, 2009
God there are some sick people in this world!!! haven’t u got any shame? how can u do that? it’s just sick, i hope God forgive’s u
9:03 am on November 4th, 2010
wonder if you could get done for rape????
1:21 pm on November 7th, 2010
it’s called a sexual preference, you can’t help it. i think this is gross but to a necrophiliac this would get them off. i’m personally a furry and bi. nothing wrong with that.