Confession Point

When you must confess!

last night the guy i did it with months ago came into my life again and he wanted to do it and i was like no and he would’nt leave me alone and kept touching my uhh yeaa and my butt too and i was like afraid to run because i knew he was gonna chase me and he kept touching me and touching me and i was like omg god please help me and he kept fingering me and i tried to get away but i was too scared and then i threaten him that i will call the cops and my friend then he was he kept following me and i kept walking and i can see it in his eyes that he wanted to raped me and then he left me alone and i ran as fast as i could. then i called my friend but she wasnt there. and this guy he knows where i live and i’m at home alone most of the time and i’m too scared to tell an adult and not here since i dont know any of you. what should i dO? this counts for molestation and attempt rape right? he’s 26 btw and i’m 14 (yes i know very stupid of me)



  1. shut burglar
    4:10 pm on November 13th, 2007

    #3852: KIM !!! U should go over to his place right this very minute and get down on your knees and give him a blowjob! Beg for his forgiveness and promise him that you’ll be his obedient little sex-slave FOREVER! There! "Problem" solved !

  2. Not Concerned
    6:06 pm on November 13th, 2007

    #3854: I agree with with shut burglar. It is the least you could do for Him favoring you with His attentions. now GO !!!!

  3. sad cocksucker
    11:54 am on November 20th, 2007

    #3896: Hey, Kim ! When you suck him off, and every other guy for that matter, make sure that you ALWAYS swallow ALL his cum. Make sure you tell him how GOOD he tastes and that you want some MORE of it RIGHT AWAY !!!

  4. HAPPY, not sad, cocksucker
    12:00 pm on November 20th, 2007

    #3897: Hey, KIM !!! Actually, I’m not a "sad" cocksucker, but a HAPPY cocksucker! It’s just that the first few boys that I sucked off I pretended that I didn’t like doing it, which made it VERY difficult to get a second chance at getting them into my mouth. How silly of me! NOW I KNOW BETTER !!!

  5. preteen lover.
    12:35 pm on November 23rd, 2007

    #3923: Kim if your really 14 then you should be hornie all the time, I would think you would let him fuck you agin if you fucked him before, question for you, Do you have a good pussy? is it tight? I want it kim I want to fuck you sooooo bad, I love young girls 14 yrs old is the perfect age for me. lets hook up. you name the time and place and I’ll be there.

  6. preteen lover.
    12:36 pm on November 23rd, 2007

    #3924: Kim if your really 14 then you should be hornie all the time, I would think you would let him fuck you agin if you fucked him before, question for you, Do you have a good pussy? is it tight? I want it kim I want to fuck you sooooo bad, I love young girls 14 yrs old is the perfect age for me. lets hook up. you name the time and place and I’ll be there.

  7. sick person that needs help
    7:11 am on November 30th, 2007

    #3954: hey kim, this site seems to me to be a place where people, no matter how sick they are can get there secrets off their chests without being judged. were only as sick as our secrets. I’ll be the first to admit ther are some sick people on here or at least they pretend to be, that do need help, but you are not the judge or the jury. granted there is a option for people to leave comments and those are just as fun to read as the confesions, but to go along and critisize everyone like you are better than everyone else makes you a stupid closed minded naive holier than thou cunt. why dont you go to the perfect people chat room and while your at it go fuck yourself

  8. Real RaYmArd C. Gutierrez-+639284805612
    7:12 am on November 30th, 2007

    #3955: KIM (1047 and 1044), Hi IM raymard look at my confession 1002, I think you might just want to read it!!! by the way im available… just give me a message and we could talk about it!!! HaHa…

  9. NotConcerned
    7:13 am on November 30th, 2007

    #3956: Ummm, Ray?…..Kim is 14……wayyyyyy too old for You.

  10. cheap mouse
    6:49 pm on April 22nd, 2008

    #4490: talk to someone you can trust they should tell you to go to the cops all forms of unwanted sexual attention is completly and utterly unaseptible fuck everyone who thinks otherwise.

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