I hate my fucking life
I graduated and now cant get a job!!!
what the f was the point.
My boyfriend whom I loved dumped me and made me have an abortion in the same week.
I haven’t had a boyfriend since and its been years
I keep on fancying men then I find out they are married with kids or living with a woman.
I am living in a house that the repairs never happen so now the place stinks of rotting timber and mould, and the people that own it have just bought a £60k classic car and drive it around –
I want to get pregnant but cant find a man and today I got a letter back from a fertility clinic I contacted saying they cant help.
What is going on!!!!!!
It cannot get any worse.
I feel like I am going to die an old spinster with noone and broke – some would say join the real world I say if I had a poor education and was a dog fine but I’m neither….

I have been staying in my girlfriend’s house with her mom and dad because I am going to school full time on a loan and don’t have time to work enough to get my own place. On our 1 year anniversary, I slept with my girlfriend for the first time and took her virginity. About a week later, she went to visit her uncle with her dad. I stayed at her house, so did her mom. Her mom cooked me dinner, and offered me a drink. I accepted. I ended up getting drunk and sleeping with my girlfriend’s mom! As if that wasn’t bad enough, about a month later her mom found out she was pregnant! MY GIRLFRIEND’S DAD HAS A VASECTOMY. My girl’s mom told me that if I didn’t pay for her abortion, she would tell my girlfriend!!!! So I cheated on my girl with her mom right after taking her virginity, her mom got pregnant, and then made ME pay for the abortion!!!
Her mom is a much better lay than her.