The guy I used to strip naked for on webcam just contacted me again after 9 months. I broke off contact with him after I first got together with my boyfriend and I felt horrible that I did it so abruptly. He is a maddening, sensual guy who could make me do anything he wanted purely by the power of words. And most of the manipulation wasn’t fought against, I’m worried about falling into his grasps again. But my secret is… I kind of want to.

11:23 am on January 5th, 2007
#1529: Damn it. he seduced me again. I just can’t resist that man. He asked for a picture of me. I don’t know what to do…
9:37 pm on February 7th, 2007
#1793: you sound very gullible and easy…send me a million dollars and I’ll tell you what to do
8:02 pm on September 4th, 2007
#3237: I always send nude pics of me to my Grandfather every day.
10:55 am on October 2nd, 2007
#3671: give your Father a couple of lap dances and see what pops up.
9:45 am on December 14th, 2007
WTF ???