Well about 3 years ago while my wife was pregnant I was so horny. I would masterbate but that was not doing the trick. I did not want to cheat on her. I thought well maybe I can just have a guy jerl me off. Sort of a modified masterbation. I found a guy online and we met and he jerked me off. It was ok, but I was really nervous. He asked me to jerk him off to so I did. No big thrill. So I decided for a bit more. I found another guy who said he would suck me off, with nothing needed in return. So I did it. I went to his pace and he did just that. He sucked me until I came and he swallowed. I was nervous but that did feel good. I went back a couple of times and the one time a freind of his was there and he had him suck me off. I went back all together 5 times to be sucked off. Well it has been two years since then and still am horny for being sucked off. I am glad I did this. I had offers from women but that would have lead to intercourse. I did not want that. I myself have never sucked, but can’t say I have never thought about it.

10:26 pm on May 14th, 2006
#975: dude,maybe you is gay. i don’y see why your wife couldnt suck you off.
10:59 pm on November 7th, 2006
#1300: Why didn’t you just fuck your wife?
7:10 am on February 1st, 2007
#1746: First off Not Gay…sorry secondly my wife is not into oral at all me to her or her to me. Third Wife was not interested in screwing, more interested in being pregnant at the time. I just looked at the whole thing as being a modified masterbation.
2:07 pm on February 5th, 2008
#4188: It sounds like you are a closet fag to me. I mean you would risk AIDS, cheat on your wife just because your wife is pregnant? Like another poster said…your wife can’t jack or suck you off? If she’s not in the mood for that just jack yourself off you crazy closet fag motherfucker. This ain’t the Gay Fantasy board dude! Get a life and get a check up for AIDS before you start banging your wife. Sounds like cocksucking is more your idea of fun…LOSER!
2:44 am on September 17th, 2008
#15273: Êóïëþ Windows Êóïëþ Office -2003/XP/Vista softvams@mail.ru
è äðóãîé ËÈÖÅÍÇÈÎÍÍÛÉ ñîôò
ïèøèòå íà å-ìåéë softvams@mail.ru
3:22 am on February 13th, 2011
All you people gave idiot responses. Grow up.
2:38 pm on November 3rd, 2012
I’d suck you off and ride your cock any time. I love married mans…I even wanna have sex with my stepdad(: btw I’m a male