Confession Point

When you must confess!

I am confessing that I have a feeling that people are making up thier confessions. That or the world is filled with sick people.



  1. confident crackhead
    11:38 am on December 12th, 2006

    #1354: this is very true

  2. natural hunter
    9:41 pm on February 25th, 2007

    #2115: Mine are real. Really.

  3. acid robot
    8:28 pm on September 4th, 2007

    #3252: We’re ALL very, very SICK! And I love it!

  4. silly graduate assistant
    1:04 am on September 11th, 2007

    #3496: I’m just pretending to be sick. So THERE !!!

  5. round headmaster
    9:46 am on December 14th, 2007


    WTF ???

  6. Brilliant/Arson
    4:36 am on November 28th, 2008

    I concur.

    95% of this shit is made up.
    Mine isn’t.

    I copied and pasted it from my weblog.
    It was set to private so nobody could read it.
    Til now :3

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