Confession Point

When you must confess!

I used to get blowjobs from my best friend when I was 9years old (and she was 7). We kept on doing it mostly everyday for 3 years. I used to suck on her too, but I didn’t know that this was actually all all-right! I used to think we’re doing some alien things. 😀



  1. crazy android
    10:58 pm on November 7th, 2006

    #1299: How is kids having sex "all all right"?

  2. public printer
    11:26 am on January 17th, 2007

    #1572: thats the tits man good job fuck that whore everyday

  3. frequent coach
    11:50 am on September 26th, 2007

    #3613: i get blowjobs from my two sisters every day and mom doesn’t suspect a thing. i REALLY want to fuck my mother !

  4. hopeless tailor
    5:54 am on October 10th, 2009

    9 and 7!? Disgusting! I didn’t even know that stuff existed when I was 9, DEFINATELY not 7! Sick. You’re totally sick. You, Public printer and frequent coach are all bloody sick. Get help.

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