Confession Point

When you must confess!

I cheated on my wife of 26 years every year we were married. ANd now that she confessed about a co-worker eating her up and begged for my forgiveness I cannot stop holding it against her and threatening to get a divorce. I KNow she loves me and that she is sorry but I dont want a wife who is “used.”



  1. special nephew
    8:15 am on March 27th, 2006

    #824: my her onto her stomach when shes naked and fuck her ass until she says sorry you might not forgive her but ull feel better

  2. mr romance
    9:14 pm on April 1st, 2006

    #849: and she’ll want a used old cheating bastard … WHY?????

  3. MY wife was murdered, and I miss her!
    2:37 pm on April 2nd, 2006

    #851: you’re a lousy hypocrite and don’t deserve her anyway. Go be alone, like you should be, and let her have a real chance at life for a change, you no good cheating pig!

  4. Duhhhh
    6:21 pm on April 22nd, 2006

    #885: Well you can’t really say she is used. You fucked women and she got ate out. What’s the problem. You guys both cheated on eachother. Cheating is still cheating nomatter how minor. So get over it and move on or get the damn divorce and cheat on your next wife!!!!!!

  5. responsible monkey
    12:15 pm on July 6th, 2006

    #1130: get rid of her you are right she is a used piece of shit

  6. restless fart
    11:16 pm on October 1st, 2006

    #1276: Alright fuck-bag, listen you cheated every year; your wife cheats once and you go cold on her. Perhaps she needed another mans tongue in her pussy, you’ve had yours in everyone elses.

  7. chemical hunter
    5:39 am on October 5th, 2006

    #1280: im suppost 1276 said…u really selfish big ass…give her a chance and dont divorce..if u do…let me fuck her

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